Category Archives: Histopathology

HPV and Pap Smear Explained: How They Differ and Why Both Matter

HPV vs. PAP Smear: Their differences and Interconnection in Cervical screening. Whenever cervical screening is mentioned, the terms “HPV” and “Pap smear” often pop up. Then you will now hear some people using the terms interchangeably as though, they mean the same thing. They do not! However, they are distinct screening tests for cervical cancer, […]

Human Papilloma virus (HPV): Role in Cervical Cancer screening

HPV (Human Papilloma virus)   HPV refers to a group of viruses, with over 200 types identified, of which about 40 can infect the genital area. It is a double stranded DNA virus that causes cellular changes to epithelial cells. HPV is transmitted from one person to another via sexual contacts; including and not subjected […]

LIQUID-BASED CYTOLOGY: Types, Procedures, Advantages, and Challenges

LIQUID-BASED CYTOLOGY: CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING TEST INTRODUCTION Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC) is an advanced method of preparing cervical cell samples for cytological examination, particularly for Pap smears. It enables cells to be suspended in a monolayer, therefore providing a better morphological assessment, This technique has largely replaced the conventional Pap smears in many labs because it […]

A Review of Pap Smear Techniques: Laboratory Procedure

pap smear sample collection

Pap smear, a cervical screening technique. Introduction Pap smear shortened from Papanicolau test, is a cytological screening test used to check for cervical cancer and its precursors. The Pap smear process involves collecting cells from a patient’s cervix using a speculum for better visualization. Then a spatula, brush, or swab is used to collect cells […]

The Role of Histopathology in Diagnosing Cancer and Other Diseases

Histopathology is a branch of pathology that involves examining tissues and cells under a microscope to diagnose diseases like cancer. Gain insight into how histopathology plays a crucial role in detecting cancer at an early stage, determining its type and stage, and guiding treatment decisions. Stay updated on the latest histopathology techniques, such as immunohistochemistry […]