Author Archives: Ifeoma Ofor

Quality Control in Blood Transfusion Laboratories.

blood transfusion

In simple terms, quality control in a blood transfusion lab refers to any or all the activities done by blood transfusion staff to ensure test results are accurate and reliable.   Quality control is the responsibility of anyone who works in the Blood transfusion lab.   For instance, it’s the responsibility of any staff member […]

Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry: What You Need To Know.

Quality control (QC) in clinical chemistry is a systematic and concise process designed to maintain and enhance the precision and accuracy of laboratory tests.  It starts with patient preparation to results interpretation. This ultimately ensures optimal patient care. There are two types of quality control in clinical chemistry. They are: EQC is done through an […]

GRAM STAINING: Introduction, principles, materials, procedure, results & limitations.


Introduction to Gram Staining technique: A Cornerstone in Microbiology Gram staining is an important technique in microbiology. It is a staining method that narrows down the classification of bacteria into two broad groups: Gram-positive and Gram-negative. It is named after Hans Christian Gram, a Danish bacteriologist. Bacteria are a large group of microorganisms that cause […]